Making it happen the way you want it
Hi my name is Gus Saccenti and I been with Family RV for four years now. My current position is product manager/buyer. Part of my position is to help people sell their recreational vehicles, comfortably, professionally, and hassle free.
I really don't vision consignment sales in the same way other RV dealers do. What I mean is some dealers will bring your recreational vehicle in on their lot, park it, and let it sit until someone would like to see it.
Our approach is quite different I like to call it matchmaking. We enjoy pairing up your vehicle with the customer that is going to enjoy your recreational vehicle as much as you did.
We accomplish this with the proper mix of recreational vehicles all makes, models, sizes, and price levels. Week to week I like to take the temperature of what's hot and what's not. Currently class A recreational vehicles are moving a little slower than the class C motor homes.
As for trailers sales we are finding a definite rise in the smaller light weight trailers. The larger trailers and fifth wheels are being used for long-term and temporary housing.
In closing we are here to solve your problem, and make you happy. Talk to you again from my little corner that I like to call; “ SacCENTi makes CENTS”
Gus Saccenti