Thursday, December 9, 2010

Testimony of an Alaska Trip from trip in 2007

Alaska Airlines found my luggage, somehow it ended up on an American Airlines plane.

Typical trip back,
At 1:30am Canadian Customs was a little concerned if it was safe for Canada to let me in.
Blizzard and whiteout conditions in Southern British Columbia, (didn't put the chains on, but was sure glad I had them).
Drove through a herd of Buffalo in Northern BC.
Spent a night at -35 in Whitehorse and the RV stayed comfy, (floor was a little cool but hey, guess that's what they call roughing it! LOL).
Earthquake about 3 hours out of Whitehorse. Thought it was the wind blowing me, but it was weird the way the trees were moving. Turned out to be a 5.7 somewhere around Hanes.
Saw a wolf near the border. Only the 4th time in my 30 years in Alaska I've seen a wolf in the wild.
-40 and lower in Tok. Brakes got a little stiff and the furnace ran all the time, but I was still driving in my socks and a t-shirt.

So, that's the short story. Tell everyone thanks. Let me know when you get up this way, I've got a large home and your welcome anytime.

Take care,
